This breaks my heart. I’m reposting it because in this time of awakening, I believe the biggest wake-up call of all is to realise that Humans are not the only important species in this planet, not the only creatures that feel pleasure and pain, and NOT the only ones worthy of respect. It pains me that as a child I witnessed circuses that paraded these magnificent creatures for entertainment, and had no idea of the agonies of torture and indignity they suffered all their lives. I will pray all through 2020 for justice for all creatures, and I will work in the areas I can, to move humanity on, to a better place. Only when every creature on Earth is free will we have the right to call ourselves decent humans.
Please support this organisation – the Non-Human Rights Organisation – in their efforts to recognise these gentle giants as sentient creatures with all the rights that implies.
You were entitled to freedom and justice. We lament not only your deaths, but also your lives. We honor who you were—extraordinarily cognitively, emotionally, and socially complex beings—and who you could have been had you been released from your unlawful imprisonment or never been torn from your families and natural habitats in the first place. One day our legal systems will understand and condemn how immensely you suffered. Join us in remembering Beulah, Karen, and the many other elephants around the world who died in captivity in 2019 by participating in today’s virtual International Candlelight Vigil for Elephants and sharing this post. #Vigil4Elephants #Justice4Minnie #RumbleForRights
What time is the vigil?6hReply
Hi @thegreatzone! The worldwide, virtual vigil is all day. There are a few in person vigils in the US, check out the @leapforlucypage for a list of those. Thanks!
A little silliness goes a long way. Looking back over the decade (as we are) I think finding things to giggle about is one of the best therapies. I’m laying claim (again!) to one of the Teen Decade’s silliest inventions – the Tabletop Selfie – achieved by simply turning your smartphone’s video recorder on, and laying it on its back on the table. Then the art is in the leaning in – and the timing, of course … This one still makes me smile – recorded in my dressing room – somewhere in the USA earlier this year on tour – with some pals including Jane Sabini. Silly ? Yep. But … smiley ?
Brian May: A little silliness – tabletop selfie
HEY ! Happy Day 4 of Veganuary, folks. I’ll report later. Here’s to the New Roaring Twenties !!!