Hey folks !


Hey folks !

I hope you all had a better Christmas than you expected !! Mine was peaceful and hopeful. One of the highlights was playing a very silly Pictionary game with all my wonderful kids on some kind of Google link.

Another highlight was our Turkey-free Christmas dinner – which although not quite Vegan was about 90 per cent plant-based. The thought of having a dead bird on the Christmas table is not attractive to me now, even though it was a big part of my childhood. Tradition has a lot to answer for. We’ve been challenging the merits of a lot of traditions around here lately. I recommend it !

Happy Boxing Day !

Bri seated on carpet

Cheers !

I was deeply touched by your lovely Merry Christmas Bri video – great to see many of my artistic friends’ faces for the first time. You know who you are – THANK YOU !! And thanks Sarah Rugg for making sure I saw it.

For Brian from artists

Adios Santa ! Thanks ! See you next year ! Thanks Danielle @leo.sienna.and.me.

Adios Santa

See ya next year !!! Thank Kerry Ellis for a classic vocal performance, and to Andy and John King  for a crackin’ tune ! And thanks NENU Il ARTS – such beautiful art treasures I want on my wall !!!

Just one more time
