Comments on Badger Cull Debate


Labour MP Chris Williamson led a debate on the future of the badger cull in England in Westminster Hall on 11 December 2013.

Video for this item of business will appear HERE

Some of the comments:

Huw Irranca-Davies @IrrancaDaviesMP
First Conservative to speak in #badgercull debate John Randall says he is “veering towards” views of @ChriswMP who spoke against cull

Huw Irranca-Davies @IrrancaDaviesMP
Astonishing turnout of MPs for @ChriswMP debate on #badgercull: shows it should be in main Commons chamber with Paterson answering

Rosie Woodroffe @RosieWoodroffe
MPs of all stripes in #badgercull debate setting great store by future report of Independent Expert Panel. IEP view is going to be critical.

Simon King @TVsSimonKing
#badgercull has not ended, only postponed until the spring, despite all the evidence showing it is a dreadful distraction to fighting bTB

Simon King @TVsSimonKing
Please let this be the beginning of a real, evidence based strategy in the fight to control bTB in cattle #badgercull

Damian Carrington @dpcarrington
#badgercull debate in parliament this afternoon – plenty of people tweeting on #badgercull tag, Paterson not attending apparently

Joe Duckworth @LeagueJoe
Democracy in action big badger thanks @ChriswMP @angelasmithmp @KerryMP @IrrancaDaviesMP @CarolineLucas #badgercull @LeagueACS

Steven Michael Jones @DairyboyS
It will eventually come down to biosecurity, animal husbandry and vaccination; but not under this crowd! #badgercull

The League @LeagueACS
Speaking during debate @KerryMP states that the shambles of the #badgercull pilots was utterly utterly predictable.

Chris Williamson @ChriswMP
Delighted that @KerryMP defended the fantastic activists who monitored the #badgercull who had been unfairly criticised by some Tory MPs

The League @LeagueACS
Speaking during debate @CarolineLucas states DEFRA’s own figures show vaccination is cheaper than #badgercull once police cost included.

Badgergate @Badgergate
Light reading for Eustice & Paterson & all those pro #badgercull MPs. The science against their badger cull policy …

Dawn Varley ‏@nfpdawnv
Very proud to be at Westminster Hall debate on badger cull today as our @LeagueACS Trustee @ChriswMP spoke up for science, logic & animals.

Tracey Crouch ‏@tracey_crouch
In packed Westminster Hall 4 debate on future of badger cull. Is rather heated but am in a safe pro-badger circle of Tory colleagues!

Wendy Higgins @wenhiggins
@IrrancaDaviesMP joins others in calling for full Parliament debate on #badgercull – no vote on cull roll out “an affront to democracy”

Chris Williamson @ChriswMP
I don’t often agree with Tory MP Anne Main but she’s just made excellent speech against #badgercull. She previously abstained on the issue

Brian Badger @BadgertasticBri
@domdyer70 @ChriswMP @IrrancaDaviesMP great speech demanding parliament debate with Paterson – disgrace Paterson not at debate #badgercull

Chris Williamson @ChriswMP
Delighted that @KerryMP defended the fantastic activists who monitored the #badgercull who had been unfairly criticised by some Tory MPs

Chris Williamson @ChriswMP
Great to listen powerful speech by @IrrancaDaviesMP in Westminster Hall destroying govt’s case for #badgercull

Ms Potting Shed @MsPottingShed
Fantastic speech from @IrrancaDaviesMP tearing into the govt on #badgercul

Caroline Lucas @CarolineLucas
Westminster Hall packed for #badgercull debate. Culls inhumane & ineffective – govt. must rule out gassing too & promote #vaccination