Rally to protect The Hunting Act – tomorrow at 10.30 outside Parliament


Notice put out by League Against Cruel Sports:

Tomorrow we are gathering outside Parliament with celebrities and other animal welfare organisations to raise our voices against the Government’s plans to destroy the Hunting Act. We would love for you to join us.

It is vital that we get big numbers so that MPs see the strength of public feeling against cruel sports such as fox hunting.

We are gathering at 10.30am outside Parliament. You will also have the opportunity to enter Parliament following the rally and personally lobby your MP – nothing is more effective than face to face meetings and so this is a great opportunity to have your say.

If you can’t make it don’t worry! You can join us in spirit by sharing details about the rally with friends and family that can be there.

Also if you are on social media the #KeepTheBan hashtag is ablaze with people lobbying their MPs online so make sure to join in. Also take a look at our campaign page for a number of other ways in which you can help us protect the Hunting Act:


Hunting with hounds, whether the victims are foxes, deer or hares, is nothing but a cruel pastime carried out by a minority who like to see animals ripped apart.

I can assure you that we are doing everything that we can to protect the Hunting Act and stop this attempt to bring back animal cruelty in the countryside. But none of this could be possible without the support of people like you. Thank you so much for all of your support!

Together we will make a difference for animals.

Kind regards,
Mark McCormick
Senior Communications Officer