Last Thursday, Brian was on hand for The Proud Galleries belated Official opening of the “Queen Will Rock You” Exhibition. This was a private event for Proud Galleries guests
Freddie van ter Beek ws there and kindly sent the following
Brian May opens “Queen Will Rock You” Exhibition Proud Galleries 20/07/23 by Freddie van ter Beek

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Write up kindly provided by Freddie Van Ter Beek: [
“From 2015 to 2017 I photographed 7 Queen and Adam Lambert concerts in 3D. After that I designed and got 2 books printed
with a selection of those photos and I sent copies to Brian May.
A few years after that the London Stereoscopic Company got in contact with me because they were interested in my 3D work. This resulted in my photo’s being shown at the new “Queen Will Rock You In 3-D” photo exhibition at the Proud gallery in London
On 20th July there was a belated opening event for the exhibition for which I was invited.
When I went into the gallery I went downstairs to check out my photos which were printed in a large format, hanging framed on the wall and also small 3D versions were on the wall with a viewer to see them in 3D.
When I went up again Brian was already there mingling amongst all the invited guests. Among them were some of the stars of the We Will Rock You musical. I mananaged to talk a few times with Brian, he was very friendly and took his time with the guests. Also later that afternoon Anita Dobson arrived and I had a chat with both of them.
Brian did a little speech in which he explained how stereo/3D photography works, but also while chatting with guests he explained it to them personally. He is very enthusiastic in bringing stereophotography to a large audience.
During the event music was played on a speaker: of course the Starfleet album was played.
For the guests canapes were available and wine and soft drinks.
I also talked with a few of the other photographers.
On the ground floor Brian’s own pictures were shown in mono and stereo. Downstairs were the photos made by fans at Queen and Adam Lambert concerts. One fan came from Spain, and I spoke with someone from New York.
With stereophotography, photos come alive and have depth. You are drawn into the scene you are viewing. You can see that magic in the books which Brian has released through his London Stereoscopic Company.
Unfortunately there are rarely any simple (digital) stereo photo cameras around. Sometimes you can find them on e-bay. I was lucky enough to find one in 2013 for a good price.
An alternative is using an app on an iPhone (for non-moving objects) or create your own camera set with 2 cameras which can at the same time take a picture. So this way of making photos is not very easy to do yourself, it would be great if a company would design a photo camera with 2 lenses, like I have and promote it worldwide so people have easier access to this type of photography.”