Follow up – Little Brown Dog


Just to follow up a little on the story of the Little Brown Dog.

Here is some more info … a map of how to find the statue in Battersea Park … kindly supplied by Jan Creamer, Chief Executive of Animal Defenders International and the National Anti-Vivisection Society.

Battersea Park layout

It’s worth noticing that the very existence of this beautiful memorial is an annoyance to those who want to continue to torment innocent creatures for various ends. Even now, it seems that the place it resides is almost deliberately obscure … perhaps because the authorities are afraid that it might incite more feelings of anger against the continuation of Vivisection.

Here are a couple of links to the history of the case.
history page:



Panel 1


In Memory of the Brown Terrier

Dog Done to the Death in the Laboratories
of University College in February
1903 after having endured Vivisection
extending over more than Two Months
and having been handed over from
one Vivisector to Another
Till Death came to his Release

Also in Memory of the 232 dogs Vivisected
at the same place during the year 1902.

Men and women of England
how long shall these things be?

Panel 2

Funded by the
British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection
the National Anti-Viisection Society
Site provided by the
Greater London Council
Nicola Hicks

Unveiled on 12th December 1985

Panel 3

Animal experimentation is one of the greatest
moral issues of our time and should have no
place in a civilised society.

In 1903, 19,084 animals suffered and died in British laboratories. During 1984 3,497,335
experiments were performed on live animals
in Great Britain. Today, animals are burned,
blinded, irradiated, poisoned and subjected to
countless other horrifyingly cruel experiments
in Great Britain.

Panel 4

This monument replaces the original memorial
to the Brown Dog erected by public
subscriptions in Latchmere Recreation
Ground, Battersea, in 1906. The sufferings of
Brown Dog is at the hands of vivisectors
generated much protest and mass
demonstrations. It represented the revulsion
of the people of London to vivisection and
animal experimentation. This new monument
is dedicated to the continuing struggle to end
these practices.

After much controversy the former monument
was removed in the early hours of 10th March
1910. This was the result of a decision taken
by the then Battersea Metropolitan Borough
Council, the previous Council having
supported the erection of the memorial.
