Lobby for the badgers this Wednesday !!!!


If you feel outraged, angry, saddened, helpless about the still imminent cull of badgers.

There is just time for you to be part of a mass lobby at the House of Commons, if you get E-mailing right away.

The lobby is planned for 2 pm on Wednesday 24th October, and all the charities in Team Badger are involved.

This is apparently something which is a recognised way of drawing attention to an issue in Parliament.

What you can do is E-mail or write to your local MP, and tell him/her you will be at the House of Commons on the afternoon of the 24th, and would like to meet him, to discuss your feelings about the Government’s badger cull. It is said that MPs are obliged to come down and meet you if you have asked.

What TeamBadger is hoping is that it will become an event which will signal to the members of Parliament that this is an important issue for the people of Britian.

If you want more information, or to check procedures, have a look at the LACS website:

This is not something I know much about, personally, but I do think most people assume they could not even get inside the houses of Parliament, but with an appointment to see an MP, apparently we all can. My advice, if you want to be there at the hub of activity, is GET THERE EARLY !




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