The Comet Panstarrs Consolation Prize 3-D treat


For those of us who had difficulty seeing this lovely comet through the blanket of light pollution around our homes … here is a consolation prize. This is how the comet would look if we had nice dark skies and eyes about 5 million miles apart … ! The comet is a pretty long way away – over a hundred million miles … so it would be hard to see any stereo detail except by fiddling it, like I have done here ! I can pretty much guarantee you won’t find another 3-D picture of Comet PanStarrs anywhere else except this website !!

Enjoy ! Bri

For parallel eyes stereo free- viewing:

PanStarrs -parallel

For crossed-eyes stereo free-viewing:

PanStarrs - cross

Stereos by Bri from original photography of the comet by Jamie Cooper in Northampton on Wednesday – 3rd April 2013.

Also check out this nice video of the comet (admittedly you need a magnifying glass!) and a good aurora display. Gotta hate these people ! ha ha !!

Video Screen Shot PanStarrs
