“Bang”, A comment, or maybe question – Letter


Arthur Levine wrote:


Fancying myself a somewhat competent amateur thinker, after waking up from a 6 week and 6 day long nap I had a lot of questions that needed answering. So as part of the process of getting my questions answered, two of the books I read while teaching myself to read again, were Steven Hawking’s “A Brief History of Time” and Brian Greene’s “The Elegant Universe”. Oh yeah, and as it proved to be such a valuable source of new (and often quite humorous as well) stuff to find out about I became a regular peruser of the talk.origins archives and forums.

Having now been, “there and back”, and having given considerable thought to what is wrong with everybody’s assumptions about the beginning and what was before the beginning, it occurs to me that there are two basic assumptions that are obviously incorrect.

One is that question of why in the first place…… Well it seems to me that no matter what one might consider as infinitely small and dense, something of a certain size can only become so dense, and that something of a certain density can only become a certain size…. This it would seem is a common theme amongst all things in the uni/multi-verse we live in….. When there is simply more energy /matter inside of something than whatever that type of thing at that size can handle, it goes “bang”. The uni/multi-verse we live in it seems to me, is the result of a certain sized anomaly reaching it’s particular species limit and creating another universe.

The second and what I see as a major, huge even incorrect assumption, is that it seems as it’s everybody’s assumption that “all” of the matter in “existence” is/was inside the thing that “went bang” when it “went bang”.

Says who? and what makes anybody think that such must be so?

The “thing” that this particular universe sprang from didn’t have to have all the matter/energy in existence “inside” it before it went “bang”. It seems to me as if this most basic assumption is never questioned, nor does anyone ever raise this issue, ever.

This also brings up an issue of a physical “edge” to whatever this thing we inhabit is.
If not everything in existence “fell into” whatever it was that exploded, then one has assume that whatever was going into whatever went “bang” was already inside of something else, and that the explosion of matter and energy into that “space” creates if nothing else, a vast physical boundary that is little more than a “shockwave” effect sort of like rings from a stone thrown in a pond.

OK, I reckon that’s that.

Brian replied: