Hello Fa ! – and – My new iPhone 11


Fox cub - Fa

Fa —- Bri.

Hello Fa ! This is my evening off – time to sit quietly and wait to see if there are any visitors. This Is Fa – one of the Magnificent Seven orphaned fox cubs you saw as tiny kitten-like babies 6 months ago. Do, Re, Mi and the others are all nearby tonight, but not as intrepid as Fa, who seems to have adopted us as servants !! Somehow he doesn’t quite seem to fit the traditional stereotypical image of his kind, as a ‘wily’ vicious predator ! You think ?! This is a moment that reminds me that not everything in the world has gone bad. But it takes awareness, compassion and a lot of work to make a happy outcome to a story like this. All hail Anne Brummer  and her Harper Asprey Wildlife Rescue team.


YES ! Thanks for asking !! We (or rather my brilliant friend JUSTIN) managed to get me access to my IG account ! To be honest there are quite a few other problems with my new iPhone 11 … and it’s come close to getting thrown out of the window … but hopefully when all the teething troubles are over …. hmmmm !

